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Hong Kong Office 2007 rents were the world's highest in 2010 and prime office buildings now fetch rents three times higher than Shanghai and Singapore, a report said Microsoft Office 2007 Tuesday.The report by global real estate company Cushman & Wakefield said average monthly rents in prime buildings in the central district climbed more than 50 per cent from 2009 to 2010, to an average 20 dollars per square foot (215 US dollars per square metre).
In the first quarter of 2011, average rents in the district were three times the price of equivalent office space in Shanghai and Singapore, according to the report. The report predicted rents would climb even higher in 2011.However, it warned the city might be pricing itself out of the market, noting that some foreign investors were already looking to Singapore and other cities as alternatives.
With very limited supply, Hong Kong is set to have Office 2007 download the steepest increase in office rents over the next two years while other regional locations are expected to catch up in 2012, the report predicted.
The outstanding efforts of Canada Post, its employees and all Canadians, means that, in its first three years, the Foundation will be able to provide in grants to community organizations across Office 2007 Professional Canada. Approximately has already been granted to 51 non-profit organizations to deliver front-line care and other programming for mental health consumers, and more will be distributed in 2011.
The Canada Post Foundation for Mental Health is a registered not-for-profit Foundation, operated at arms-length from Canada Post, with an independent board of trustees. Its audited financial statements are MS Office 2007 available to the public and more than 97.5 per cent of all donations received by the Foundation are used to fund projects by community-based organizations. Learn more, or apply for a grant at canadapost.ca/hope.

