And it gets even more complicated than that, as this excellent article over at Depleted Cranium explains. Yes, all trees eventually die, but they don't necessarily release all of their carbon on death. Acidic soils in pine forests can prevent a full decay of the wood. The invention of Microsoft Office 2010 is a big change of the world.
And some of the biomass can get absorbed into the subsoil, where it reaches a stable state and doesn't decay further. Office 2007 download is in discount now!
So if you're cutting down and burning a tree because you assume that all that carbon would've eventually gone up into the air anyway, you're running the risk of faulty accounting. Office 2010 download is available now!
(Likewise, many trees absorb carbon into their leaves, many of which then fall to the forest floor and become humus, which essentially keep the carbon locked in the soil.)Office 2010 –save your time and save your money.
Moreover, it's true that many trees get logged anyway to make wood products—everything from paper to furniture—but this wood doesn't necessarily release as much carbon into the air as biomass fuel would. Microsoft Office 2007 can give you more convenient life.
After all, a wooden chair is essentially sequestering its carbon for decades and decades. Microsoft Office is so great!
And discarded wood and paper products don't necessarily fully decay—large landfills help slow the rate of decay of trash down, which can keep carbon locked for decades or more. Buy Office 2007 you can get much convenience.
(Newspapers, for instance, can stay intact in a landfill for 15 years or longer.) At the margins, a higher demand for biomass energy could reduce demand for wood products that, on some level, help keep carbon out of the air.Many people like buy Office 2010 Home or Office Professional 2010.
So there are a lot of complications. Burning biomass can be an improvement over burning fossil fuels from a climate perspective, but it needs to be done carefully—otherwise, it could be even worse for the climate than burning coal.Office 2007 key is very convenient!
Last month, researchers at the Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences tried to develop a more rigorous accounting method for biomass that took into account a lot of the factors I mentioned above (particularly what the life cycle of the wood would've been in the absence of burning it for fuel). You can read an interview with lead researcher John Hagan here. Office 2010 key is for you now!
He notes that, no, biomass isn't unambiguously carbon neutral, but it can be a useful renewable resource under the right conditions, especially if forests are managed properly.Office 2007 Professional and Office 2007 home and student helpful.